Funding for Heating & Insulation Home Improvements for Tenants & Landlords
Privately rented properties could qualify for funding towards the cost of home energy improvements under the ECO4 scheme.
To ensure that your properties are energy efficient and compliant with current private rented sector regulations, Arktek Group Limited offers assistance with applying for and installing home energy improvements under the ECO4 scheme.
For example, if your property has never had a central heating system installed and your tenants are in receipt of a qualifying benefit you could qualify for funding towards the cost of installing a gas boiler and central heating system.
If you are the landlord of a property and your tenants are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, you could be eligible for one or all of the following under ECO4:
- Funded replacement of existing room heaters with a gas central heating system
- Funded Solid Wall Insulation or Cavity Wall Insulation
- Funded Smart Thermostats
- Funded Loft Insulation & Room in Roof Insulation
- Funded Underfloor Insulation
Arktek Engineers are here to help. We are a team of North East based Gas Safe engineers, accredited insulation installers, and a proud installer of ECO4 measures.
We are happy to assist with the ECO4 funding process to install energy-saving measures in your property.
The process is simple. Once you have contacted us, we will:
- advise on eligibility for the ECO4 scheme
- help you complete and process your application for funding
- conduct a free, no-obligation survey to determine the best possible energy saving measures for your home
- install energy-efficiency measures to help heat your rental property and provide relevant certificates