On the 25th of May the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect. The new legislation addresses changes which have occurred in the digital environment since the creation of the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive. This will require businesses to align their policies with the new rules and reassess how they treat their customers data. Although this is an European Union directive, Brexit will not be a saving grace for companies looking for an easy way out as official’s state that UK data protection rules will align with the EU’s GDPR.
Arktek Group’s Commitment
At Arktek we consider the new regulation to be another opportunity to strengthen our promise to our customers. We pride ourselves in our high-quality standards and our motto of “get it right the first time, every time”, as a result we have taken a proactive approach in addressing the changes before they come into effect. This past week, Mark Grover delivered a three day GDPR Readiness Assessment on behalf of QMS International and helped us identify ways in which we can improve.
The results showed we have a good foundation to build on and using the information presented to us we will review our policies and address any gaps. In addition, we will be using data mapping techniques for processing and storing personal information, undertaking a data protection impact assessment and tracking our progress of GDPR readiness using the self-assessment tool provided. We are aiming to finalise our changes by the end of February and will update in due time as we make progress on our journey to being GDPR compliant.
While some may see the new regulations as a hindrance to their business, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. By adhering to the new security standards and principles stipulated by the GDPR, companies will be able to clean up their data and maximise the effectiveness of their communication efforts whilst protecting their customers. In addition, the increased transparency that companies need to showcase will only lead to better relationships with their clients, ones based on trust and loyalty. Ultimately, whether you are a customer, a data processor or data controller the new regulations will be beneficial to all and will bring about a new era in the way companies and customers interact.
For more information and news regarding the GDPR you can refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office website: https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/